Monday, January 01, 2007

Recording and Mixing complete!

Hi all. The New CD is complete from a recording/mixing persepctive. It's now at the mastering lab at CBC Studio 14 for the mastering process, where "sweetening" occurs - final EQ and compression and a host of other tools at the studio's disposal to creat the final sound of the CD. It's also where the "gold" disc gets made -- the master that the manufacturer uses as the template for making copies, complete with song order and pauses between songs and volume consistency across them.

As soon as we get the master back, we'll post some samples to our website.

We're finalizing the packaging as well now. We have the art, it's the inforation that needs to be there to get Canadian Content status and all of the copyright stuff in place, as well as to make it look as good as possible. I'm doing most of the work on design and Armand is providing French content to ensure the package is a blingual as possible - always a goal of the band, as I am the token Anglophone in the group. It's slow going as I am learning new software to do the design as the production house prefers print-ready files in a certain format.

My hope is that before too long (end of January) we'll have the material ready to go to manufacturing. We're sorting out retail and digital distribution deals this month and next as well.

We'll also have a new look to our website and online store with new merchandise designs.

More soon.